O Canada! Canadian citizens have many advantages that other countries lack. This year, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development found Canada to be one of the best countries to live in. 82% of people say they have more positive experiences in a day than negative ones, and we are first in the world for having the best housing and fewest assaults. We trust our government more than other nations, we have great health and education rankings, and we have a healthy balance of work and life. We’re not perfect, but overall, Canada is a great place to live. The Ontario government offers a safety net to people who have fallen on hard times, and we have infrastructures in society that are meant to keep us safe. If you’re in danger, you can call the police; if there’s a fire, firefighters will rush over, and so on. However, one of the true signs of Canada’s great living becomes apparent when we are going through a rough period. People who have survived an accident or have been injured are not alone in their recovery. We can look at the city of Guelph for an example: a bustling city that is consistently rated as one of the best places to live in Canada. The University of Guelph means that the city is full of young people and happy families. It has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world, even through the global recession, and is at the bottom of the crime list. Even in a city such as this, people need the services of a personal injury lawyer after an accident. However, government benefits can also be an essential resource for the recovering injury victim. Keep reading to learn about four major benefit programs that can ease the life of someone dealing with the aftermath of an accident.
Employment Insurance Can Pay Off for a Worker Taking Time Off
An accident throws your life into upheaval, and the life of your family as well. If you’ve been working a steady job, you often need to take time off to recover from an accident, pursue arbitration, or get your affairs back in order. Even other family members may need to change their working schedule or stop working altogether for a period of time. For instance, a spouse may need to tend to their partner’s needs post-accident. Employment insurance can prove to be a valuable resource during this time. Employment insurance, also known as EI, provides temporary financial insurance to those who are off work due to circumstances beyond their control. Most people think of the ‘regular benefits’ program when they think of EI, but there are also Sickness Benefits, Compassionate Care Benefits, and Benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children that your family may be eligible for after a loved one is injured in an accident.
The Ontario Disability Support Program is an Invaluable Long Term Resource
An injury lawyer may suggest that you look into ODSP for long-term financial support. The Ontario Disability Support Program is meant to help people who have a disability pay for basic living expenses such as a food budget, housing costs, and necessary medicine. This Income Support is a huge help to those who are suffering from the effects of a disability caused by an accident, and the income can make the difference between successfully adjusting to a new life or being unable to completely adapt. Your income support will vary depending on your neighbourhood, needs, other sources of income, family size, and so on. Someone who lives in a single bedroom apartment in Guelph will have different needs than a mother of three in Toronto, for instance. Employment Support is the other arm of ODSP, and it is designed to get people back to work. This can entail either providing training and assistance in finding a job, or giving support in starting your own business. A personal injury lawyer knows the importance of staying productive and forging a future after an accident. Visit your local ODSP office for details on your specific situation.
Ontario Works is Another Resources That Can Cover the Tough Times
Ontario Works is a social assistance program meant for people who are undergoing temporary financial need. Just like ODSP, it offers both financial assistance and employment assistance. Ontario Works is not intended primarily as a benefit for people who are recovering from an accident or injury. However, going through the system of ODSP applications and acceptance means that many people in that situation face a period of no support but high costs. Ontario Works acts as a stopgap between applying of ODSP and being accepted. A personal injury lawyer can help explain how to transition from Ontario Works to ODSP, and how the system will handle your scenario.
The Trillium Drug Plan Helps Cover the Cost of Medication
After an accident, your prescription medication costs may spin out of control. You may consider pursuing help from the Trillium Drug Program. This program helps people who have high prescription costs and lack the income to cover it. This program cannot be combined with ODSP, Ontario Works, or Private Insurance, but it is useful if prescription costs is your main issue to contend with. Under the TDP, you have two fees every year: a deductible based on your household income (the average amount is around 4%), and a $2 co-payment fee on every prescription. These reasonable costs help someone afford prescription medication after an accident.
When you or a loved one has been in an accident, you have more resources on hand than you might think. An injury lawyer is the first, and most obvious person on your side; the government isn’t far behind. These four benefits are a huge help for a family that has been shaken by an accident. The Greater Toronto Area is full of young families who may need to take advantage of these benefits one day. With a personal injury lawyer on their side and the use of government help, they should be able to get through the tough times that follow an injury or accident. If you are in need of consulting with a lawyer, or your family has experienced an accident, contact DWA LAW to have your questions answered. They can be contacted via toll free at [wtsphone tollfree_link].