You may or may not know the feeling of dread that follows the crash of vehicles, but you probably have a general idea of what to do after a minor car accident. It might involve calling the police or ambulance, speaking to witnesses, and taking pictures.
However, auto accidents can be complex, and there are many factors the average driver isn’t aware of. This could create trouble later on, and is one of the reasons you should always add calling a lawyer to your list of things to do after a crash.
From car accidents to bicycle accidents to motorcycle accidents, Wynperle personal injury lawyers help people across Hamilton and Ontario by fighting for their rights, working with insurance companies, and representing clients in court. They make the overall legal experience more bearable, as well as more transparent and understandable.
At Wynperle, we’re dedicated to getting justice for the people of the Ontario community. For a car accident lawyer in Hamilton, Ontario, call us to get the guidance you need.
How Much Can Someone Sue for Car Accidents in Ontario?
The answer to this question will vary based on the details of each car accident case. The best way to know the answer is to contact our law firm for a free consultation. We can arrange to meet, speak on the phone, or make other arrangements for a video chat.
How Much Can You Get for Pain and Suffering from Car Accident Cases?
Each Hamilton car accident case relies on a plethora of factors, including:
- Liability
- The severity of the injuries
- The type of medical treatment received
- The length of recovery time needed
- Potential long-term effect of the personal injuries
- Amount of insurance coverage available
Our Hamilton car accident lawyers are experienced with these types of cases, so we will advise you and your loved ones on what to do every step of the way and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.
Lending and Borrowing a Vehicle
There are times where you are in a tight spot and need to borrow your friend’s car or vice versa. Maybe your car is at the garage, but you have an appointment you forgot about. People don’t mind lending their car as a favour, but do you know the legal requirements or consequences in Hamilton, Ontario?
If I Don’t Have Insurance, Can I Drive Someone Else’s Car?
Generally, yes, you can still drive someone else’s car, but you need a valid driver’s licence and your friend’s written or verbal permission. If you drive someone else’s car, but you don’t have a valid licence, you and the vehicle owner could face legal consequences, depending on what occurred while you used the vehicle. Having no licence can also result in the insurance not covering any damages.
Can a Friend Drive My Car and Be Covered By My Insurance Company?
Yes, but with some provisions. People who drive the car on a regular (or even a temporary) basis can be covered by the car owner’s insurance policy. However, whether you and your friend share driving responsibilities regularly or if your friend only borrows the car once a week to run an errand, you must update your insurance policy so the friend’s name is included.
The friend will need to meet certain requirements, such as:
- Have a valid Canadian driver’s licence
- Have verbal or written permission from the car owner to drive the vehicle
- Not use the car for criminal activities
- Not use the car for restricted uses included in the policy
- Not be named in the policy as excluded from using the car
If a friend borrows your car and they are named in the policy as an excluded driver, they will have to cover any damages they incur in a car accident. But if your friend meets all of the requirements, make sure they know where your proof of insurance documents are located in car whenever they take it out in case they happen to need it!
Can I Drive a Car That is Not Covered By Insurance?
No. The Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act of Ontario states that it is illegal to drive a vehicle that is not insured. Each policy must include these mandatory requirements:
- Third Party Liability coverage with a minimum of $200,000
- Uninsured Automobile coverage
- Statutory Accident Benefits coverage
- Direct Compensation with Property Damage coverage
Whenever the police stop you, you must show them your insurance card. Some police officers give drivers without their insurance card a grace period of 48 hours to report to the police station with the card. However, they are not legally obligated to do so.
Consequences of Not Having Insurance
Driving a vehicle that is not insured is a provincial offence, but it is not a federal one. Here are some of the penalties you may face:
- First Conviction: a $5,000-$25,000 fine
- Second or Subsequent Conviction: a $10,000-$50,000 fine
- Licence suspension of up to one year
- Vehicle impoundment for up to three months
- Paying for damages out of pocket if the vehicle was in a car accident
To better understand personal injury law, people who are involved in a motor vehicle accident should speak with auto accident lawyers.
When Should You Call a Lawyer for a Motor Vehicle Accident?
You should call a lawyer as soon as you are physically able to do so after an accident. It will provide you and your lawyer with the opportunity they need to investigate and build your case.
Car accidents can be emotionally draining. Mix that with personal injury law and it’s not something you want or should have to deal with while recovering. Call DWA LAW in Hamilton today.
Need a car accident lawyer in Guelph? We can help you there, too!
Come in for a free consultation!