You might be the type of person who doesn’t like to dwell on the past. However, if you are the victim of a recent car accident, you might find it hard to just ‘move on’. There may be times when you lie in bed, and reminisce about the times when you could run your errands and participate in your activities with complete freedom. Or you might look at a recent photo of yourself hanging out with friends after a game or vacation and you feel overwhelmed by a mix of emotions.
While the aftermath of a car accident is a challenge, it doesn’t have to mean defeat. In fact, with the help of an auto accident lawyer, you can prevail against the difficulties of a car accident. With the help of these legal experts, you will gain access to the resources you need in order to take control of your life for both the present and the future. Just what are these resources and how can they help you?
Why an Accident Shouldn’t Mean a Full Stop
You’re most likely familiar with your legal rights, especially if you are not at fault in a car accident. You know that it’s your right to have a trial, and in the case of criminal behaviour or negligence, you can press charges against those responsible so that they are brought to justice. As a reminder, here is what you are entitled to on the legal front:
Your Basic Legal Rights:
• Consideration of evidence and a fair trial
• Representation from a certified lawyer
• Decision-making advice during the legal process
• Explanations of what to expect and how to respond
• Emotional support
Although the legal process after a car accident is a burden, it isn’t the most challenging aspect of the ordeal. As you may know by now, what really brings trouble are the new physical and emotional demands brought on by the accident. After all, what good is money if you don’t have the means or mind to enjoy it? Therefore, it’s safe to say that the courtroom is one of your ‘lesser’ worries.
The Greater Evils
The hardest burdens that car accidents bring are the ones that you have to deal with on a regular basis. The aches, the bruises, the flashbacks – they can linger on for weeks, months, and years, sometimes with no end in sight. Not only do you have to deal with the physical pains, but there is also the emotional side of things. Perhaps you can’t play your favourite sports like you once did, or maybe you can’t spend as long working in the backyard. When you add in things like lost wages from underemployment, your situation becomes compounded. Despite all of these troubles, however, do you think there’s a way out of this misery? Even if you feel pessimistic about your situation, you should feel relieved to know that an auto accident lawyer can make a way out possible.
A Lawyer Brings Light When the Aftermath Seems Dark
When a car accident weighs you down, an accident lawyer provides you with the support needed to relieve some of the burden. As mentioned earlier, it is the physical and emotional effects of the accident that bring the greatest problems, and this is where you’ll need the most assistance. How can a lawyer bring you out of the uncertainties that follow a car crash?
• Ensure that Your Medical Bills are Paid for – One of the biggest burdens you will face after an accident are the medical costs. Even with medical insurance, there could be additional fees that may become a financial burden. However, a lawyer can see to it that you receive full coverage for your medical expenses since you may be entitled to this right.
• Guarantee that You Have Access to Facilities/Equipment – If you become significantly injured, you may need to rely on special equipment in order to carry out your activities as normal. You may require devices such as a wheelchair, walker, or a cane in order to move about. You may also require modifications to your home or workplace in order to make them more accessible. If such is the case, a lawyer will ensure that the right professionals meet these needs.
• See that Loss Wages are Returned – We’re all familiar with ‘doctor’s orders’. If your physician has ordered you to stay off work until you recover, then you will no doubt feel the effects of lost wages. When your family counts on you to provide for their well-being, an auto accident lawyer will help you recover lost wages so that you and your loved ones don’t sink into further turmoil.
• Set You Up with Future Medical Treatment if Necessary – Unfortunately, some injuries are life-long or flare up later on due to certain activities, stress, or even the weather. A lawyer can make sure that you are set up with rehabilitative care, such as physiotherapy or emotional therapies if the need arises in the future.
• Help You Avert Insurance Company ‘Trickery’ – A frustrating reality that follows after an auto accident is the cunning efforts of some insurance companies who try to cheat their customers out of their rightful coverage terms. If this should ever happen to you, a lawyer will fight to make sure that your insurance provider honours your contract and the coverage they are obliged to provide you with.
When a Lawyer Seems Unnecessary, Think Again
You might find yourself in a situation where it seems useless to call a lawyer after a car accident. Family members, friends, and neighbours may discourage you from making that phone call, since they may feel that it will be a hopeless battle. However, there is often a lot more to a case than what lurks on the surface, so you should always make it a duty to speak to an auto accident lawyer even if things don’t seem to be in your favour.
3 Instances When an Accident Lawyer Can Still Help You:
1. When the other driver takes the blame – Some people are natural storytellers, and their ‘skills’ become more apparent when they are responsible for an accident. Their attorney or insurance provider may advise them to change their story in order to protect themselves, and you’ll want legal support if they decide to take such a devious course of action.
2. When you are at fault – As an honest person, you most likely take responsibility for something that seems to be a result of your own ‘doing’. However, you can never know for sure if you caused the accident. Although you may have exhibited poor judgment, the other party could have been inattentive or reckless, and this could put you in a neutral position. This is where a lawyer can help put you ‘in the clear’ so to speak.
3. An Insurance provider grants you a settlement – Your state of mind after an accident may be an ironic jumble of eagerness and confusion. Your insurance provider might readily agree to grant you a settlement, but they may not be truthful regarding that amount you deserve. They might take advantage of your mindset- one of desperation and anxiety- and then offer you a settlement that underscores the true cost of your accident. Again, a lawyer will be one of the only professionals who can help you determine if your insurance provider is guilty of such fraudulence.
Bring Your Life Back up to Speed
The most important thing to remember is that a car accident doesn’t have to feel hopeless. Whether your accident was relatively minor or has had a major impact on your life, an auto accident lawyer can ensure that you receive the resources and support you need to improve your quality of life.
Even when it seems like the case is not in your favour or your success seems certain, it doesn’t hurt to have an accident lawyer by your side to make sure that you haven’t skipped over any hidden details. With the help of these legal professionals, you can be sure to receive the coverage and assistance that is rightfully yours. Not only will you overcome the aftermath of the accident, but you will have confidence that your quality of life will continue to improve.
Are you the victim of a recent car accident? Feel free to give DWA LAW a call at [wtsphone tollfree_link], so that one of their certified auto accident lawyers can help you get back to your normal routine.