Becoming Part of Our Firm – DWA Law
If you are a law student interested in articling with our personal injury law firm, or a lawyer wishing to join a dynamic and quickly growing personal injury practice, please email us at info@dwalaw.ca to submit your application. All applications are reviewed regularly and all applicants will be contacted as promptly as time permits.
Our Approach
In the competitive field of personal injury law, we stand out by prioritizing our clients’ well-being above all else. We believe that your focus should be on recovery, not on financial distress. That’s why, for most cases, we do not ask for any money or fees upfront. We want to be part of your recovery and to remove the legal stresses that inevitably flow from a life changing injury.

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
Contingency Fee Basis
At DWA Law we operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning you will not pay any fees until and unless we recover money for you. Our fees are based on a Contingency Fee Agreement, which is always explained in detail during your initial, free consultation. The maximum contingency fee charged percentage (excluding medical negligence) is 30% plus HST. For medical negligence matters, the percentage ranges between 33% – 35% plus HST due to the intricacy of these cases. However, our contingency fee percentage may be lower depending on the specific circumstances of your case.

Full Explanation of Settlement Offers
Before you make any decisions regarding a settlement offer, we will provide a full explanation of the offer made. This includes the fees you will be charged, the disbursements that were paid, and your net amount. We will also meet with you to explain the offer and answer any questions you may have. We believe in empowering our clients with the information they need to make informed decisions about their case.
Our Referral Policy
As an award winning, well respected personal Injury Law firm, DWA Law receives a great number of our cases by way of referrals from other professionals including other lawyers, and our past clients. With every case you refer to us, you can always be certain of three very important things:
- We have a long-standing policy of honouring all referrals in accordance with the Law Society’s guidelines
- We will handle the case with the utmost professionalism and dedication.
- We are not a firm that tends towards settling out. We are always prepared to go the distance with each case to make sure the case is fully resolved and the client fairly compensated.
As each client and case is unique, so too are the firms and legal professionals who refer to us.
At DWA Law (Dickson Wynperle Associates), you can count on us to work with you to establish a relationship that meets both the client’s and your firm’s needs. You can have as much or as little involvement as you and the client so desire. We can take over the file entirely, or work with you to add our expertise and assistance.
Since we are specialized in personal injury law, you can always be assured that any further non-personal injury related legal matters, which your client may require, would always be referred back to you.
Please see Chapter 3.6-7 of the Law Society’s “Rules of Professional Conduct” for rules regarding referrals.
Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
Contingency Fee Basis
DWA Law stands by your side in difficult times. Our team prioritizes your well-being and peace of mind to help you focus on your recovery.
Legal Considerations and Timelines
Understanding the legal nuances and timelines involved in amputation injury claims is crucial. The laws surrounding personal injury claims can be complex, with stringent time constraints. Consulting an experienced personal injury lawyer early in the process safeguards your rights and ensures you’re well-informed about the required steps.

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
Consequences of Amputation Injuries
After a traumatic amputation, the road to recovery is particularly arduous because these injuries affect all aspects of a person’s life.
Physical Consequences
The aftermath of an amputation injury is marked by profound physical changes. Beyond the loss of limbs, survivors endure extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation and physical therapy. Adapting to prosthetics requires a period of readjustment, involving both physical and psychological aspects. Relearning daily tasks and finding new ways of performing them become crucial steps toward recovery.
Mental and Emotional Impact
The emotional toll of amputation injuries extends beyond the physical realm. Beyond the immediate physical challenges following a severe motorcycle accident or car accident, individuals often grapple with profound psychological effects, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Coping with the loss of a limb involves navigating a myriad of emotions—grief, anger, anxiety, and depression. This journey toward acceptance can be overwhelming, leading many to seek professional support such as counselling and therapy.
The experienced personal injury lawyers at DWA Law recognize the interconnectedness of physical and mental well-being, and we’re here to ensure you receive comprehensive compensation to address the entirety of your amputation injury experience.
Employment and Financial Consequences
Traumatic amputation injuries can severely impact a victim’s employability and income potential. Despite prosthetics, specific job roles may no longer be feasible. This compels survivors to contemplate alternative career avenues, potentially resulting in financial instability. The need to cover mounting medical costs, rehabilitation expenses, and potential income loss compounds these challenges.
At DWA Law, we recognize the financial strains amputation victims may encounter and are committed to securing comprehensive compensation to address these multifaceted hardships.
Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
Financial Compensation for Dog Attacks
When a loved one, especially a child, is bitten by a dog, it can cause both physical and psychological injuries. The psychological trauma a person may experience due to a serious animal attack, like PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), can have lasting impacts that over time end up being more debilitating than their physical injuries. While we cannot prevent the dog attack, at DWA Law, we are here for you in the aftermath, dedicated to providing you with the legal and medical support you need as you seek compensation for your pain and suffering.
Compensation for a dog bite injury will vary. On average, the payout can be between $10,000 and $30,000. The amount can enter the hundreds of thousands range for severe injuries, even as much as $1 million. A dog bite lawyer will evaluate the various aspects of your case and consult with medical professionals to determine a fair settlement amount.
Remember: If you have been bitten by a dog, it is crucial to act quickly to prevent further complications. Firstly, make sure you are no longer in danger and assess the severity of the wound. If it is a minor injury, clean the wound thoroughly and cover it with a bandage. However, if the injury is more severe, seek medical attention immediately. In addition, it is essential to determine if the dog is vaccinated against rabies. If not, there is a risk of contracting the virus, and you will need to receive rabies shots. Don’t take any chances with a dog bite.
What Conditions Qualify for Long-Term Disability Benefits?
In essence, long-term disability insurance should ideally cover any injury, illness, or condition that hinders someone from working. However, specific disability insurance policies outline certain exclusions. Despite this, there are numerous physical, mental, and emotional health issues that indeed qualify individuals for long-term disability insurance benefits.
If you have contracted an illness, been involved in an accident or are suffering from a condition that prevents you from working, you should contact a long-term disability lawyer to discuss your situation. You could be eligible for disability claims.

Do I Need a Lawyer for Long-Term Disability Claims?
At some point in most people’s lives, there comes a time when having a strong advocate by your side becomes crucial. When faced with long-term disability denial, enlisting the assistance of a knowledgeable long-term disability lawyer is the most effective approach. While legal representation is not mandatory, experienced disability lawyers play a vital role in ensuring the accurate completion of your application and can offer valuable legal alternatives should your claim be rejected. Their expertise can significantly enhance your chances of securing the benefits you rightfully deserve.
An experienced Hamilton disability lawyer from DWA Law will make sure that your rights are respected throughout the disability claim process and do everything in their power to make sure that insurers live up to their disability insurance contracts.
Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
Disability Insurance Coverage
If you become sick, injured or unable to work for any medical reason, disability insurance protects your income by providing benefits equivalent to a large proportion of your lost income.