When you’re growing up as a child, your world is very small. You have your immediate family around you, and there are occasional trips to see family and friends at their homes. While we made trips to the grocery store or post office with our parents, we hardly paid attention to our surroundings. It is only when we got older and entered school that we realized there are many other families; some exactly like ours and others quite different. Growing up through grade and high school exposes us to more than just our immediate friends and peers. We also learn about the world around us. Geography class informs us about other countries around the globe, math class teaches us about imports and exports, and English class requires us to pick up a book and read another person’s story. By the time we finish our schooling and head to work, the knowledge that we’re part of a fully functioning society is deeply ingrained inside of us. However, knowing this as a theory and understanding how it affects our lives are two different things. A personal injury law firm is in a unique position to watch how society is affected from an injury or accident. When a previously able bodied person becomes disabled, we all feel the effects. In many cases, persons with disabilities need societal support to thrive, or even just survive. This blog looks at the ripple effect of a disability and why a strong societal net is necessary.
How a Disability Affects Us All, and Why We Need to Lend a Hand
When you went to the store to grab some groceries, did you notice there was a ramp next to the stairs? If you go to get on a subway in downtown Toronto, you’ll notice most stations have escalators and elevators next to the stairs. These are all accommodations that have been made to allow people with disabilities to function in our society. There are other support networks and systems set up all over the Greater Toronto Area. Services like Wheel Trans ensures that people can get to where they need to be. Charity services like Meals on Wheels ensures that people who are bound to their home still get nourishing and nutritious meals, and so on. There are three main groups who offer support to those in need:
- The Government. Government services and benefits help people with disabilities get back on their feet and improve their situation.
- Charity. Non-profit organizations in Ontario work to help out both adults and children who are dealing with the struggles of disability.
- The private sector. If you see your local grocery store running a food bank or a Scotiabank job fair for the disabled, you’ve likely realized private businesses are part of the social security net that assists people with disabilities.
Of course, the resources to help these folk have to come from somewhere. Some pundits or activists will argue that tax dollars should go towards other, worthier causes. However, those who work at a personal injury law firm know that society pays a much higher price if they leave people with disabilities to cope on their own. Transitioning from being an able bodied person to having a disability as the result of an injury or accident is not an easy task for the vast majority of people. The ripple effect begins with the individual and heads out to the rest of society. When someone is disabled and not given the resources they need, their problems affect those around them like a line of dominos. If you need help from a compassionate and qualified injury lawyer at DWA LAW, call 866 688-3353 or visit us at 25 Main Street West, Suite 400, in Hamilton Ontario.
The Immediate Effect on the Family Unit
The nuclear family takes the largest influence when a member has been through an accident or injury that disables them. If a parent is injured, then there are often major financial worries. Lost wages or being dismissed from the position can make a serious impact on the family. Children become stressed and act out, and teenagers go through emotional turmoil. These dependents are less likely to be able to pay attention in school or focus on their own lives. Meanwhile, a disabled child means the parent must make the impossible choice of juggling their responsibilities and rehabilitation or recovery efforts for their child. Without a personal injury law firm fighting for their best interests, many parents end up having to make compromises in order to keep the family afloat.
Every Societal Institution Feels the Effects
When you have a disabled person and their family struggling to get through the day, that frustration and anger will be felt by everyone around them. When a father gets into an accident, his wife will go to her job under a great deal of pressure to become the breadwinner. The way she interacts with her coworkers and clients will be changed by the stress. Their children will likely require intervention at school, as dealing with such a frustrating situation at home will likely come out in their day to day lives. The disabled person themselves will struggle without having the right resources on their side. Without physiotherapy or cognitive behavioural therapy, they could end up requiring assistance from their family in previously trouble-free tasks, or they may put stress on the medical system by requiring many visits to the family doctor or the ER in times of strain. Addressing the problem head on through a personal injury law firm is the best way to nip these problems in the bud and help someone dealing with a disability and their loved ones adapt to a new routine and life.
As a society, we cannot afford to just ignore the plights of those dealing with a disability. Their situation spreads outwards, affecting us all in a chain reaction. A personal injury law firm fights to help someone adapt and adjust to life after a devastating injury or accident. If you or someone you love is dealing with the fallout of such an event, contact us today at 866 688 3353. Having a compassionate legal expert on your side can help still the ripples of a tragic accident or injury.