Every job has some risk.
Working in an office or on a construction site presents a myriad of possible injuries each day. From walking on stairs to using high-powered equipment, accidents happen. But just how bad is the situation in Canada, and how commonplace are injuries at work?
DWA LAW recently took a deep dive into the relevant statistics in order to provide you with an accurate representation of workplace injuries in Canada.
Canadian Workplace Statistics
The University of Regina’s 2019 Report found that 951 workers died while on the job in Canada in 2017. That is 47 more workers injured than in the previous year.The trend, however, shows that workplace injuries are declining overall, however, certain areas have reported a higher than average number, including the province of Ontario.
The University of Regina separated the injuries into three categories:
- Injury-Related Fatalities
- Occupational Disease-Related Fatalities
- Lost-Time Injuries
Note: A lost-time injury is defined as an accident that causes a disability, or one that is directly related to an absence from work.
Ontario estimated 76 injury-related fatalities, 215 occupational disease-related fatalities, and 59,529 lost-time injuries.
Despite the above information, the CBC stated that “the Association of Workers’ Compensation Board of Canada (AWCBC) should not solely be used as a benchmark for work-related fatalities, as these figures only take into account approved compensation claims.” In other words, the 904 claims that were filed in 2018 were approved, but the number of workplace injuries are much higher with estimated deaths ranging between 10,000 and 13,000 per year.
Types of Workplace Injuries
Depending on the industry you work in, there are common accidents and injuries that can occur despite conducting safety checks.
Construction Sites
Construction work requires employees to be more active than other industries. Consequently, this results in more injuries that can cause short-term and long-term damage.
Workers use electrical power tools, as well as work with generators and wiring, which can cause burns and electrocution. Very often, construction workers work on building projects. In these cases, they have a high risk of falling from scaffoldings or in holes.
And despite wearing hard hats, construction workers often suffer injuries from flying and falling objects. Case in point: According to Aviva, 2016 saw over 50,000 workers injured, with 81 fatal cases due to flying or falling debris.
Office Buildings
An office job isn’t physically demanding, but that doesn’t mean workers don’t experience any injuries. For instance, an icy parking lot—even with sand or salt—is a prime source for slip-and-falls.
There are times when we don’t pay attention. We could be on the phone with a client, not noticing the “Wet Floor” sign. Sometimes, the building’s maintenance staff hasn’t fulfilled their tasks by changing light bulbs or removing debris. Moreover, building contractors may make mistakes and design flaws in buildings result in faults, such as an uneven staircase.
How DWA LAW Can Help
Workplace injuries are distressing to deal with, especially if the results are fatal. We’re here to offer a helping hand to families and individuals who seek justice and compensation in order to recover from the traumatic incident.
We can assist you with filing a claim, so you don’t have to fight the insurance company in case they deny your claim for benefits, such as disability and wrongful death. Our personal injury lawyers are also adept at handling a cornucopia of personal injury cases, so get in touch with us in Hamilton or Guelph as soon as you can. We are always here to help.