Trust the professionals
We know that your health needs to be your main focus during recovery, and sometimes dealing with complicated insurance policies on your own can be very difficult. That’s why, whether you’ve endured a workplace injury, experienced a motor vehicle accident or are fighting a serious illness, DWA Law has your back throughout the entire claims process.
Long-term disability or illness will have an emotional impact on you, but insurance claims require timely attention because of their deadlines. Your claim must be filed with your insurance company to ensure that you receive your benefits. Having a disability claims lawyer carefully review and handle all the details on your behalf will increase your chance of approval.
Once your law firm files your long-term disability claim, it may not be the last you hear of it. Don’t forget, insurance companies don’t always acknowledge your claim, and when an insurance company denies or disputes your claim, you need a disability claims lawyer in Guelph to fight for you.
Don’t see your claim denied in bad faith – call us at our Guelph office and we’ll help you make the most of your insurance policy today!
Why work with DWA Law?
When it comes to finding a good insurance lawyer, Guelph residents know they can trust DWA Law. Not only do we offer a free consultation, we make sure to work with you to attain the disability benefits you deserve.
Through various methods, including alternate dispute resolutions, DWA disability lawyers settle claims and liabilities. Our methods include—but are not limited to—negotiations, arbitration, and mediation. We have a solid track record of success and experience in and out of court.

Domestic Assault and Abuse Lawyer in Guelph
Each DWA abuse lawyer in Guelph knows that personal injury is not limited to avoidable accidents, such as car crashes or faulty products. Domestic assault and abuse occur when organizations fail to make a thorough background check and unwittingly hire a sex offender to take care of children. They can also happen when leaders, such as a teacher or a religious figure, take advantage of their position and organizations are blind to their behaviour. Many assault and abuse cases involve alcohol.
In cases like these, the organizations should have reasonably prevented the assault or abuse. Whether the assault is an attack, abusive behaviour, molestation, rape, or results in death, it is no longer solely the attacker that the violation applies to; organizations make up a large part of a community and they need to be safe spaces. You will need to seek out legal aid and solutions since the organizations responsible for the wellbeing of your loved ones failed or show a pattern of failure, making them legally negligent.
Domestic assault and abuse impact individuals both physically and psychologically, leaving them traumatized for the rest of their lives. A DWA domestic assault lawyer in Guelph provides support for legal proceedings, but we also see that injured parties receive rehabilitation, financial advice, accident benefits consultations, and more. No one deserves to be assaulted or abused, whether it’s physically, psychological or sexual; depending on your case, this can be categorized as a criminal and civil matter.
After a police investigation, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board assists in getting the compensation to which injured parties are entitled. Bars and restaurants that overserve liquor often provide compensation in alcohol-related cases because they potentially contributed to the assault or abuse.
Regardless of the lawsuit you file against your attacker, Wynperle Law is by your side until the battle is won. Our track record has proven to be formidable, demonstrating our expertise in civil cases of assault and abuse. Each DWA domestic assault lawyer in Guelph will help you if you’ve filed the following charges:
- Bar Fight
- Civil Assault
- Physical Assault
- Sexual Assault (Rape)
A Wynperle abuse lawyer in Guelph investigates claims, conducts interviews, gathers evidence, guides clients, and more, so you and your case are ready for trial. An in-depth knowledge of the tort law—private and civil cases involving injuries or wrongs—is our firm’s solid foundation. Furthermore, our staff are trained in effectively handling stress, settling negotiations, and developing client relationships. We understand that your world has been turned upside-down, and we do everything possible to make it right.
Long-Term Disabilities
When it comes to long-term disabilities, there is an extensive list of what qualifies for benefits. Here are a few examples:
- Arthritis
- Cancer
- Stroke
- Injuries caused by accidents
- Nervous system disorders, such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s Disease
Not all long-term disabilities are easy to prove with objective evidence. That’s why having a DWA lawyer by your side will minimize the ordeal of dealing with the insurance company.

Long-Term Disability (LTD) Benefits
LTD insurance is meant to assist employees who cannot work, either permanently or temporarily, due to an injury or illness. It covers about 60-70% of your income and may have a capped monthly amount. Employees are often provided LTD benefits by their employer because they fall under the employee benefits plan. However, employees are free to purchase long-term disability insurance on their own as well.
In Guelph, Ontario, you’re entitled to receive disability benefits for a certain amount of time, which is usually two years. The period begins from the moment you have been deemed unable to perform your job’s main duties.
It’s standard practice to assess your condition again after the two-year period in order to ascertain whether or not you’re able to perform the main duties of any occupation for which you’re suited. Keep in mind that you will be required to participate in rehabilitation programs, according to most LTD policies.
Many of the questions asked about LTD insurance can be answered by reviewing your policy. Some policies cover all disabilities and illnesses; others cover a select few and the Workplace Safety Insurance Board claim—if available to you—provides benefits for other types of injuries and illnesses.
If you have any questions or concerns, we’re always available.
Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
Insurance companies are usually entitled to choose the healthcare practitioner that will assess your condition and confirm that you require disability benefits. While they typically select a certified professional, we encourage you to contact us if you have any doubts about their reliability.
Insurance companies may hire investigative professionals to surveil and film individuals who have made insurance claims. They use these measures to acquire objective evidence that you are, in fact, disabled and not making a fraudulent claim. While these professionals follow the law, you should speak with our personal injury lawyers if you feel yourself to be in danger.
Defending Your Rights
No matter what type of injury you’ve sustained or illness you’re coping with, the compassionate and hard-working team at DWA Law will make you feel welcome and confident that your case is being handled with the utmost professionalism.
From motor vehicle accidents to slip-and-falls to faulty products, we engage in case-building, communication, negotiations, arguments, and settlements. Our team is dedicated to achieving the best and fairest results for your case.
We handle various types of claims, including:
- Disability
- No-Fault
- Wrongful Death
- Chronic Disability
- Accident Benefits Insurance
- No-Fault Insurance
- Long-Term and Short-Term Disability
- Defective Product
- Premises Property Insurance Litigation
- Breach of Contract
- Tavern Liability
- Wrongful Dismissal
- Environmental Spills
- Canada Pension Plan Appeals
- Tort Claims
Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
DWA LAW Success
The key to success in any trial, mediation or arbitration is being more than well prepared before you get there. We’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that your case is resolved in the best way possible.
Your focus should be on rebuilding your life and health; our focus will be on fighting aggressively to assure the best outcome and to ensure your best interest comes first.
Contact DWA Law
Don’t hesitate to contact a DWA domestic assault lawyer in Guelph if you or a loved one need representation for a personal injury. Call (519) 836-0300 or toll-free at 1-855-821-8320.