What is a Slip-and-Fall?
A slip-and-fall accident is, unfortunately, all too common. However, whether a Guelph resident is working on a client’s property, at their own company or walking down the sidewalk, they often mistakenly blame their own clumsiness for the accident, even when they shouldn’t necessarily do so.
Because there are often contributing factors in a slip and fall case that initially go unrecognized, we recommend always making a slip and fall claim, as any injury can result in long-term negative effects. By not exploring the possibility of making a slip and fall claim, you do yourself a great disservice.
Slip and fall injury lawyers and personal injury experts like those at DWA Law will help you move forward. We fight for your right to receive compensation, and take every possible step to get you the resources you need to recover after a slip-and-fall accident.
Just as the name implies, a person slips – or trips – and falls.
A slip and fall injury claim can be made when an accident occurs on stairs or flat ground, inside or outside. While it might not seem so at first glance, it could be that the stairs themselves were badly designed or poorly maintained. Similarly, floors or outdoor property areas may contain hazards that cause people to slip, such as ice, cracks, or uneven areas.
Slip-and-Fall victims can suffer from:
- A brain injury
- A spinal cord injury
- Broken bones
- Torn ligaments
- Soft Tissue Injuries
- Serious injuries
- Wrongful death
It is important to recognize that Ontario residents are protected by The Occupiers’ Liability Act, which is designed to protect those who have endured slip-and-fall accidents.
The Occupiers’ Liability Act
The Occupiers’ Liability Act assigns the duty and responsibility of maintaining the property to various types of Guelph property owners, including:
- Landlords
- Store owners
- Hotel owners/property managers
- Restaurant owners
- Private homeowners
Property owners must ensure that their property is safe year-round, and must take action that includes everything from hiring detail-oriented cleaning staff to fixing structural issues in a timely fashion. Here are some common factors that lead to slip-and-fall injuries:
- Improper lighting
- A lack of signage indicating work in progress
- Icy walkways and areas that haven’t been properly shoveled
- Spills that have not been properly cleaned
- Badly maintained park equipment and walkways

DWA Law investigates on your behalf
The DWA Law firm will investigate the area where the accident happened to gain evidence of negligence. From loose handrails to unclean areas, our personal injury lawyers in Guelph will build your case and help you file your claim.
The level of accident benefits that can be claimed often depends on where the injured party was when the accident occurred.
Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
At a Place of Business
People who experience a slip-and-fall at their place of business are usually covered by workers’ compensation. That said, contractors often have to work off-site, so if an accident occurs at a client’s establishment, for example, any compensation must be paid by the property owner, as they have the responsibility to keep their property safe.
The Occupiers’ Liability Act dictates that property owners can be sued if their property is found to be unsafe and improperly maintained. However, every situation is different and requires a thorough investigation.
We recommend setting up a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Guelph to determine the best course of action.
When someone endures a serious injury, they have the right to compensation when the accident is deemed not to have been their fault. They will need financial aid to deal with their short-term or long-term disability.
Once individuals have been examined by medical professionals, their findings will help us categorize the amount to which the victim is entitled.
Compensation is meant to help the injured party with:
- Covering the costs of expensive medical visits
- Paying for ongoing medical care, equipment, and prescription drugs
- Making up for lost wages and future earnings if the individual can no longer work
- Improving pain, suffering, and a reduction in the quality of life
In order to get a fair settlement, a personal injury lawyer handles details such as phone calls and paperwork, and any tasks included in filing the injured party’s claim.
Disability Claims
A DWA lawyer in Guelph files claims and works with the insurance companies on their clients’ behalf. Doing this alone can lead to problems. While it is possible for everything to go smoothly, in some instances insurance representatives will claim there are valid reasons to not pay out the compensation. When an individual doesn’t know about the intricacies of personal injury law, insurance companies can take advantage of them.
For example, imagine a case in which an insurance company says they will provide a one-time payment of $1 million. While that is most certainly a large amount of money, it may not be the amount the injured party deserves. Their injuries may become more severe at a later time, in which case, they will need to be paid an ongoing amount, or receive a much higher lump sum. Working with personal injury lawyers in Guelph is a way to protect yourself and your rights.

Protect yourself with DWA Law
If you’re suffering from chronic pain or other injuries after a slip-and-fall, it’s imperative that you contact us in Guelph for a free consultation. Understanding personal injury law is the last thing you and your loved ones want to think about in this difficult time.
Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
DWA LAW Success
The key to success in any trial, mediation or arbitration is being more than well prepared before you get there. We’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that your case is resolved in the best way possible.
Your focus should be on rebuilding your life and health; our focus will be on fighting aggressively to assure the best outcome and to ensure your best interest comes first.
Speak with DWA Personal Injury Lawyers in Guelph
From the first meeting, our Guelph law firm stays by your side to help you understand what is happening, what the next steps are, and what you need to do to recover.
Everyone involved in the case will deal with us, rather than bother or harass you. Your Guelph lawyer will answer all of your questions and provide explanations about personal injury law. Our team looks after your legal and financial wellbeing.
Get in touch with a Guelph personal injury lawyer today.